Acupuncture is an ancient medical practice using pressure points to treat various problems throughout the body. The ear, with over 300 acupressure points, definitely affects the rest of the body when the right pressure is applied. When you press on the right point, it is stimulated all day.
- Ear points are used to suppress appetite and regulate hunger. This ear clip reduces appetite and reduces weight. Weight loss is supported from many different angles, one of the most important being boosting metabolism by helping to regulate digestion, insulin and hormones.
The earrings helped them lose weight, but also reduced inflammation in their bodies. Ear acupuncture for weight loss can reduce your oxidative stress levels and optimize your body to shed unwanted pounds.
- This earring stimulates the thyroid area and can stimulate the function of the pituitary gland, one of the key areas of the body related to metabolism. Consequently, it increases the rate of fat burning, which not only makes your workouts, but also your daily activities more effective in burning calories and losing weight.
3 main functions: Acupuncture points, negative ions, far infrared technology.
Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord and brain. These biochemical changes can boost the body's natural healing ability and promote physical and mental health.
Negative ions: Increase carbohydrate and fat metabolism, reduce stress, strengthen the immune system. Help regulate sleep patterns and mood and promote antibacterial activity.
- Far Infrared: Detoxify body and boost metabolism. Made of high quality material. Durable and not fade.
Infrared therapy 5 times more powerful than other materials.
Proven auricular therapy.
Lose weight easily (wear them like regular earrings).
Release 10 times more negative ions for maximum fat burning.
Unclog blood flow and lymph nodes.
- Accelerate metabolism.
- Material: Alloy
- Weight: 14g
- Color: Gold, Silver
- 2pcs* Infrared Therapy Earring Clip
- Due to manual measurement, please allow slight measurement deviation.
- Due to different displays and lighting effects, the actual color of the product may be slightly different from the color shown in the picture.
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